Understanding Gas and Condensate
Laboratory analytical results are used in a variety of applications such as production accounting, stream valuing for custody transfer, and/or reporting for regulatory compliance. Production of oil or gas reservoir fluids is measured by the gas volume and composition, and the liquid volume and composition derived from samples that are analyzed in the laboratory. For proper evaluation of these produced fluids, and to ensure correct application of the laboratory data, an understanding of the gas and liquid samples collected in the field and analyzed in the laboratory is essential. This presentation introduces hydrocarbon fluid production to sampling and gives a clear understanding of reported data for valuation of the produced fluids. I will review the source locations for valid sample collection and include an introduction to phase behaviour. Detailed gas and liquid reports provided by laboratories will be reviewed and examples of representative samples and analytical validation will be illustrated. Examples of the equation of state and flash liberation will also be demonstrated.
Level of Learning: Introductory
Learning Outcomes: Understand validity of representative samples, understand gas and liquid properties and provide analytical report orientation for proper application of analytical data.
Speaker: Senia McPherson