A spirit lifting journey into some of the best Canadian wilderness locations.
A keynote presentation by Brian Keating
Feeling tired of Covid?
Get out.
That’s right, get up & get outside!
The restorative powers of Nature simply cannot be overstated. If we invest the necessary focused awareness, time and energy, the outdoors can tell us so much about ourselves and the world around us.
For this presentation, after some brief forays into some international locations, Brian will return us to his own western Canadian landscapes, reconfirming the value of our collective understanding of the importance of wild spaces and the creatures that have adapted to live there.
What remarkable Western Canadian locations did Brian explore over the last three years? What energizing face-to-face encounters did he have?How has he managed to attract so much wildlife to his inner city garden?
Brian is an international tour guide and professional speaker. He also was mostly unemployed during Covid 19. But the opportunities that opened up will be told as only Brian can, with humour and anecdotes that are guaranteed to give you a better understanding of all things locally wild.
The presentation is designed to inspire and enthuse, offering hope for a better tomorrow.
Speaker: Brian Keating