A look at FFV sources and definitions in context of data validation utilizing measurement schematics
The goal of this presentation is to provide the Production Accountant the knowledge and tools to validate and report fuel flare and vent volumetrics to Petrinex. Jonathon describes the various sources of FFV and how some of the common equipment in the field functions so that the Production Accountant has the ability to understand the processes that happen behind all of the lines and symbols that are seen and not seen on measurement schematics. With this information the Production Accountant should be able to rectify the data that they are receiving from their field data capture systems and determine if the information that they are receiving is reasonable and complete, or if there is anything questionable or awry. Utilizing measurement schematics is the most efficient and complete way of validating volumetrics, and giving the PA the resources to identify errors and work with operations to fix FFV and emissions data before it is reported only strengthens your company’s bottom line.
Speaker: Jonathon Wasylik