Steve Dotto is Canada’s most respected geek. For over 15 years, as host and executive producer of Dotto Tech, a nationally syndicated TV show, Steve entertained and educated millions of Canadians on all aspects of technology.
Steve has a passion for understanding the social impact of technology. A very popular keynote speaker, Steve is in demand addressing audiences on the changes technology is bringing to the workplace, and the profound impact these changes are having on our society.
His message is equally valuable to the workplace, parents, and educators; he speaks of the opportunities and challenges represented by our social networks, and he challenges us to understand our responsibilities in this new environment.
YouTube is Steve’s network of choice, where he serves 2 communities, a traditional “How To and Productivity” stream, which follows his TV tradition, and a new focus on learning the keys to growing an online community through social networking and ultimately monetizing a YouTube channel.
Steve has one mission, to help us master our technology, at home, at school or at work, his message….we need to be in charge of our technology, we each need to discover our inner geek!