Crude Oil & Natural Gas Liquids Logistics & Producer Netback Pricing

November 3, 2016
8:30 am – 10:00 am

There are many factors that can affect the ability for a Producer to transport their product to market.   The value of product once it reaches market can be impacted by internal and external market forces ultimately having a direct impact on the monthly netback price a Producer receives. This session is designed to provide established or aspiring production accountants with an overall understanding of the processes and workflow associated with transporting and monetizing crude oil and natural gas liquid production.  Production Accountants will gain an improved understanding of the overall marketing practices ongoing at a typical E&P company.

Topics covered:

  • Canadian Crude Oil Logistics Committee (COLC)
  • Forecasting Procedures
  • Scheduling of Crude Oil & Natural Gas Liquids
  • Canadian Crude Oil Price Basis
  • Canadian Natural Gas Liquids Price Basis
  • Crude Oil Equalization/Quality Pooling
  • Natural Gas Liquids Component Balancing
  • External & Internal Mechanisms Affecting Producer Netback

Who will benefit

This course is intended for production accountants who are looking to enhance their understanding and expertise as it relates to the day to day marketing functions within a typical E&P company.

Speaker: Lindsey Boguski
